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I will walk... with my face blood

The direction of the eye
So misleading
The defection of the soul
Nauseosly quick
I don't question our existence
I just question our modern needs
I will walk... with my hand bound
I will walk... with my face blood
I will walk with my shadow flag
Into your garden
Garden of stone
After all is done
We're still alone
I won't be taken
Yet I'll go...
I will walk... with my hand bound
I will walk... with my face blood
I will walk with my shadow flag
Into your garden
Garden of stone
I don't show...
I don't share...
I don't need...
What you have to give...*

Wieczorem z pracy...

* tekst - Pearl Jam - "Garden"
Pozdrawiam wszystkich tu zaglądających :)
  • DST 17.20km
  • Czas 00:58
  • VAVG 17.79km/h
  • Sprzęt Kellysek ;)
  • Aktywność Jazda na rowerze

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